这些演讲吐字都算比较清晰,用语也正规,作为熟悉日语听力进阶的教材也不错。 嵌入了日语字幕,尽量找了涉及不同领域,说话自然清楚,以及内容我能看下去的。
Succeed in Business_ Not Bigger, but Happier! _ Shinichi Chiba _ TEDxTohoku(720p
The Great Power of a Small Sign _ Akari Imai _ TEDxHamamatsu (720p50)
私を突き動かす胸いっぱいの感動 _ Heart-flooding emotion that propels me _ Reia Kuronuma _ TEDxS
Women need science, science needs women _ Noriko Osumi _ TEDxTohokuUniversity(10
Go to Space by using Elevator Yoshiki Yamagiwa TEDxHamamatsu 1080pFHR.mp4
What “Enjoying completely” taught me _ Masahiko Sugiyama _ TEDxHamamatsu(1080p50
Exploring cultural genealogy from the hug of Japanese monkeys _ Naofumi NAKAGAWA
Nippon-Ga, paintings that depict the multi-faceted Japanese culture _ Taro Yamam
Change a map of Japan in your mind into the map of the world. _ Hideki OTA _ TED
How to face new scientific technologies _ Shoko TAKAHASHI _ TEDxYouth
The Way to Happiness by Three Questions _ Shinko Ohyama _ TEDxKumamotoshi (1080p
あなたの日常から宇宙を一緒に考えよう _ Thinking together about the universe _ Yusuke Murakami _ TE
Shall we make something that make people happy_ _ Makoto Sato _ TEDxHamamatsu (1
The day that the disabled becomes no more the disabled _ Keita Sato _ TEDxHamama
The reason why I pursue glass art _ Yukie Kimura _ TEDxSapporo
Breakthrough 突破する力!~ZONE”人間としての能 力を最大限発揮する方法 _ 井原 慶子 TEDxHaneda
Invention of swarming molecular robots and its infinite possibilities _ Akira Ka

03-16 16:09