
Android App Development for Beginners

所属分类: 移动开发 讲师:


课程表(76 课时)


49 - Saving Data with SQLite

48 - Custom ListView Adapter

47 - Custom ListView Row

61 - Notifications

75 - LibGDX Handling User Input

74 - LibGDX Game Animation

73 - LibGDX Displaying Images

72 - LibGDX Displaying Text

71 - LibGDX Game Project Structure

70 - LibGDX Game Development

69 - Creating an APK File for Distribution

68 - Working with GitHub

67 - Custom Launcher Icon

66 - Shared Preferences Example

65 - Shared Preferences

64 - Themes

63 - Styles

62 - Custom Notifications

76 - LibGDX Camera

77 - LibGDX Sound Effects and Streaming Music

39 - Threads

38 - Receiving Broadcast Intents

37 - Sending Broadcast Intents

36 - Sending Extra Intent Data

35 - Intents

34 - Animations and Transitions

33 - Overflow Menu

32 - Master Detail Flow Example

46 - ListView Example

60 - Creating Photo Filters

59 - Inverting an Image

58 - Image Effects

57 - Taking Photos with the Camera

56 - Image Capture

55 - Playing Video

54 - Testing the SQLite App

53 - Printing Database Results

52 - Adding and Deleting Rows

51 - Creating a New SQLite Database

50 - SQLite Database Product

29 - Changing the Memes Text

28 - Communicating with Main Activity

27 - Listening for Button Clicks

26 - Finishing the Meme Apps Design

25 - Creating the Fragment Class

24 - Designing the Top Fragment

23 - Fragments

22 - Running the Gesture App

21 - Gestures

20 - Multiple Event Listeners

19 - Event Listener and Callback Method

18 - Event Handling

17 - GridLayout

31 - Master Detail Flow

45 - ListView

44 - Bound Services Example

43 - Bound Services

42 - Services

41 - Intent Service

40 - Thread Handlers

14 - Adding Properties to Widgets

13 - Create an Interface with Java

12 - More on User Interface

11 - Designing the User Interface

10 - Running the State Changing Example

9 - Activity States

8 - Basic Overview of an App

7 - Create a Custom AVD

6 - Android Studio Tips

5 - Tour of the Interface

4 - Running a Simple App

3 - Setting up Your Project

2 - Installing Android Studio

1 - Introduction

16 - Converting DIP to Pixels

30 - Dank Meme Bro


03-16 16:09







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