Kivy crash course
Kivy crash course 14_ Using a ScreenManager
Kivy crash course 13_ Using Kivy's settings panel
Kivy crash course 12_ Using Android APIs
Kivy crash course 11_ Animation and the Clock
Kivy crash course 10_ Thinking about layouts
Kivy crash course 9_ Creating a scrollable label
Kivy crash course 8_ Let's fix some bugs
Kivy crash course 7_ Drawing on the canvas
Kivy crash course 6_ Kivy properties
Kivy crash course 5_ Mixing python and kivy language
Kivy crash course 4_ Kivy language
Kivy crash course 3_ More interesting widget interactions
Kivy crash course 2_ Building an android apk
Kivy crash course 1_ Making a simple App

03-16 16:09