264-测试试卷-Quiz 1 (Units 1-4 Band 2).pdf
265-测试试卷-Quiz 1 - 2 (Units 1-4, Band 2).pdf
266-测试试卷-Quiz 2 (Units 6-9, Band 2).pdf
267-测试试卷-Quiz 2 -2 (Units 6-9, Band 2).pdf
268-测试试卷-Final Exam (Band 2).pdf
269-测试试卷-Keys to the Final Exam (Band 2).pdf
270-测试试卷-Final Oral Exam (Band 2).pdf
271-测试试卷-Quiz 1 (Units 1-4, Band 3).pdf
272-测试试卷-Quiz 1 - 2 (Units 1-4, Band 3).pdf
273-测试试卷-Quiz 2 (Units 6-9, Band 3).pdf
274-测试试卷-Quiz 2 - 2 (Units 6-9, Band 3).pdf
275-测试试卷-Final Exam (Band 3).pdf
276-测试试卷-Keys to the Final Exam (Band 3).pdf
277-测试试卷-Final Oral Exam (Band 3).pdf
278-测试试卷-Final Exam - 2 & keys (Band 3).pdf
279-测试试卷-Quiz 1 (Units 1-4, Band 4).pdf
280-测试试卷-Quiz 1 - 2 (Units 1-4, Band 4).pdf
281-测试试卷-Quiz 2 (Units 6-9, Band 4).pdf
282-测试试卷-Quiz 2 - 2 (Units 6-9, Band 4).pdf
283-测试试卷-Final Exam (Band 4).pdf
284-测试试卷-Keys to the Final Exam (Band 4).pdf
285-测试试卷-Final Oral Exam (Band 4).pdf
286-测试试卷-Final Exam - 2 & keys (Band 4, Easy).pdf
其他-Writing Abstract.pdf
其他-Writing Cover Letters.pdf
其他-Writing Essays (2) Exposition.pdf
其他-Writing Essays (3) Argumentation.pdf
其他-Writing Essays(1) Narration and Description.pdf
其他-Writing Letter of Complaint and Its Reply.pdf
其他-Writing Letters of Acceptance and Refusal.pdf
其他-Writing Letters of Apology.pdf
其他-Writing Letters of Congratulation or Commiseration.pdf
其他-Writing Letters of Inquiry or Request.pdf
其他-Writing Letters of Invitation.pdf
其他-Writing Letters to Pen Friends.pdf
其他-Writing Letters to the Editor.pdf
其他-Writing Notes and Emails.pdf
其他-Writing Personal Statement.pdf
其他-Writing Report.pdf
其他-Writing Résumé (1).pdf
其他-Writing Résumé (2).pdf
其他-Writing Summary.pdf
其他-Writing Thank-You Letters.pdf
10-媒体素材-B2U3 What Brings Luck.mp4
100-教学录像-Risks (Period 5).mp4
101-教学录像-Risks (Period 6).mp4
103-教学录像-College Life (Period 1).mp4
104-教学录像-College Life (Period 2).mp4
105-教学录像-College Life (Period 3).mp4
106-教学录像-College Life (Period 4).mp4
107-教学录像-College Life (Period 5).mp4
108-教学录像-College Life (Period 6).mp4
11-媒体素材-B2U3 Try Something New for 30 Days (Video).mp4
110-教学录像-Time (Period 1).mp4
111-教学录像-Time (Period 2).mp4
112-教学录像-Time (Period 3).mp4
113-教学录像-Time (Period 4).mp4
114-教学录像-Time (Period 5).mp4
115-教学录像-Time (Period 6).mp4
116-媒体素材-Never Be Late For An Interview.mp4
117-媒体素材-B4U8 Life with time pressures.mp4
118-教学录像-Science and Technology (Period 1).mp4
119-教学录像-Science and Technology (Period 2).mp4
12-教学录像-Psychology in Our Daily Life.mp4
120-教学录像-Science and Technology (Period 3).mp4
121-教学录像-Science and Technology (Period 4).mp4
122-教学录像-Science and Technology (Period 5).mp4
123-教学录像-Science and Technology (Period 6).mp4
124-媒体素材-B4U9 A Successful Failure.mp4
125-教学录像-Satire in Literature (Period 1).mp4
126-教学录像-Satire in Literature (Period 2).mp4
127-教学录像-Satire in Literature (Period 3).mp4
128-教学录像-Satire in Literature (Period 4).mp4
129-教学录像-Satire in Literature (Period 5).mp4
13-媒体素材-B2U4 Psychology at the Airport.mp4
130-教学录像-Satire in Literature (Period 6).mp4
131-媒体素材-B4U10 Who is more clever, man or animals.mp4
132-演示文稿-Love (Complete).pdf
133-其他-英译汉省略译法(1)— 省略代词和冠词.pdf
134-媒体素材-B2U1-Video Appreciation-The Last Song.pdf
135-演示文稿-Communication Problems (Complete).pdf
136-其他-英译汉省略译法(2)— 省略介词和连词.pdf
137-媒体素材-B2U2-Video Appreciation-Better Communication Skills.pdf
138-演示文稿-Born to Win (Complete).pdf
139-其他-英译汉省略译法 (3) — 其他词类的省略.pdf
14-媒体素材-B2U4 Observational Bias (Video).mp4
140-媒体素材-B2U3-Video Appreciation-Try Something New for 30 Days.pdf
141-演示文稿-Psychology in Our Daily Life (Complete).pdf
143-媒体素材-B2U4-Video Appreciation-Observational Bias.pdf
144-演示文稿-Dreams (Complete).pdf
146-媒体素材-B2U5-Video Appreciation-Dreams.pdf
147-演示文稿-Food (Complete).pdf
149-媒体素材-B2U6-Video Appreciation-Function of Food.pdf
150-演示文稿-Culture (Complete).pdf
152-媒体素材-B2U7-Video Appreciation-Ethnic Clothing.pdf
153-演示文稿-Money (Complete).pdf
155-媒体素材-B2U8-Video Appreciation-Money Never Sleeps.pdf
156-演示文稿-Shopping (Complete).pdf
158-媒体素材-B2U9-Video Appreciation-Notting Hill.pdf
159-演示文稿-Emotions and Health (Complete).pdf
16-媒体素材-B2U5 Interpreting Dreams.mp4
161-媒体素材-B2U10-Video Appreciation-Health Benefits of Crying.pdf
162-演示文稿-Personality (Complete).pdf
165-演示文稿-Myths and Legends (Complete).pdf
168-演示文稿-Social Problems (Complete).pdf
17-媒体素材-B2U5 Dreams (Video, Part I).mp4
171-演示文稿-Career Planning (Complete).pdf
172-其他-定语从句的翻译(1)— 限制性定语从句.pdf
174-媒体素材-Language (Complete).pdf
175-其他-定语从句的翻译(2)— 非限制性定语从句.pdf
177-演示文稿-Man and Animals (Complete).pdf
18-媒体素材-B2U5 Dreams (Video, Part II).mp4
180-演示文稿-The Joy of Travel (Complete).pdf
181-媒体素材-Tapescript Listening1.pdf
182-媒体素材-Tapescript Listening 2.pdf
183-媒体素材-Tapescript_Listening 3.pdf
186-演示文稿-Nature and Nurture (Complete).pdf
19-媒体素材-B2U5 Dreams (Video, Part III).mp4
193-演示文稿-Music (Complete).pdf
196-演示文稿-Reflections on Life (Complete).pdf
199-演示文稿-Leisure Activities (Complete).pdf
2-媒体素材-B2U1_Different Ways of Dating_Episode 1.mp4
20-媒体素材-B2U5 Dreams (Video, Complete).mp4
200-其他-英译汉的长句翻译(1)— 概述.pdf
202-演示文稿-The Power of Words (Complete).pdf
203-媒体素材-A Story.pdf
204-其他-英译汉的长句翻译(2)— 原序和换序译法.pdf
206-演示文稿-Gender Differences (Complete).pdf
207-其他-英译汉的长句翻译(3)— 拆分译法.pdf
209-演示文稿-Creativity (Complete).pdf
210-其他-英译汉长句的翻译(4)— 重组法.pdf
212-演示文稿-Athletes (Complete).pdf
213-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 1.pdf
214-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 2.pdf
215-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 3.pdf
216-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 4.pdf
217-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 5.pdf
218-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 6.pdf
219-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 7.pdf
22-媒体素材-B2U6 Function of Food (Video).mp4
220-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 8.pdf
221-媒体素材-Guessing game for Group 9.pdf
222-媒体素材-Crossword Puzzle.pdf
223-媒体素材-Crossword Puzzle key-line.pdf
224-其他-汉译英长句翻译(1) — 汉译英长句翻译的步骤.pdf
226-演示文稿-Risks (Complete).pdf
227-其他-汉译英长句翻译(2) — 汉译英长句翻译的方法.pdf
229-演示文稿-College Life (Complete).pdf
232-演示文稿-Time (Complete).pdf
233-媒体素材-b4u8 Sentence Dictation.pdf
234-其他-科技英语的翻译(1)— 科技文体的词法特点及翻译方法.pdf
236-演示文稿-Science and Technology (Complete).pdf
239-演示文稿-Satire in Literature (Complete).pdf
24-媒体素材-B2U7 Talking About Chinese Taboos.mp4
25-媒体素材-B2U7 Ethnic Clothing (Video).mp4
27-媒体素材-B2U8_The Lottery.mp4
28-媒体素材-B2U8 Money Never Sleeps (Video).mp4
3-媒体素材-B2U1_Different Ways of Dating_Episode 2.mp4
30-媒体素材-B2U9 Making a Complaint.mp4
31-媒体素材-B2U9 Notting Hill (Video).mp4
32-教学录像-Emotions and Health.mp4
33-媒体素材-B2U10 How to Deal with Anger.mp4
34-媒体素材-B2U10 Health Benefits of Crying (Video).mp4
36-媒体素材-What star signs say about personality traits.mp4
37-教学录像-Myths and Legends.mp4
39-教学录像-Social Problems.mp4
4-媒体素材-B2U1 The Last Song (Episode 1).mp4
40-媒体素材-Drive Under Influence.mp4
41-教学录像-Career Planning.mp4
42-媒体素材-Job Interview.mp4
44-媒体素材-Animal Languages.mp4
45-教学录像-Man and Animals.mp4
46-媒体素材-I want a puppy.mp4
47-媒体素材-Charlotte's Web.mp4
48-教学录像-The Joy of Travel.mp4
49-媒体素材-A seven day trip in China.mp4
5-媒体素材-B2U1 The Last Song (Episode 2).mp4
50-教学录像-Nature and Nurture.mp4
51-媒体素材-Talking about nature and nurture.mp4
53-媒体素材-Differences between Western Music and Chinese Music.mp4
54-教学录像-Reflections on Life.mp4
56-教学录像-Leisure Activities (Period 1).mp4
57-教学录像-Leisure Activities (Period 2).mp4
58-教学录像-Leisure Activities (Period 3).mp4
59-教学录像-Leisure Activities (Period 4).mp4
6-教学录像-Communication Problems.mp4
60-教学录像-Leisure Activities (Period 5).mp4
61-教学录像-Leisure Activities (Period 6).mp4
62-媒体素材-Talking about DVDs.mp4
63-教学录像-The Power of Words (Period 1).mp4
64-教学录像-The Power of Words (Period 2).mp4
65-教学录像-The Power of Words (Period 3).mp4
66-教学录像-The Power of Words (Period 4).mp4
67-教学录像-The Power of Words (Period 5).mp4
68-教学录像-The Power of Words (Period 6).mp4
69-媒体素材-God's Reply.mp4
7-媒体素材-B2U2_Speaking Different Languages.mp4
70-媒体素材-How Would God Reply to Him.mp4
71-教学录像-Gender Differences (Period 1).mp4
72-教学录像-Gender Differences (Period 2).mp4
73-教学录像-Gender Differences (Period 3).mp4
74-教学录像-Gender Differences (Period 4).mp4
75-教学录像-Gender Differences (Period 5).mp4
76-教学录像-Gender Differences (Period 6).mp4
77-媒体素材-Why Don't We Think Alike.mp4
78-媒体素材-Male vs. Female.mp4
79-媒体素材-Single-sex Education.mp4
8-媒体素材-B2U2 Better Communication Skills (Video).mp4
80-教学录像-Creativity (Period 1).mp4
81-教学录像-Creativity (Period 2).mp4
82-教学录像-Creativity (Period 3).mp4
83-教学录像-Creativity (Period 4).mp4
84-教学录像-Creativity (Period 5).mp4
85-教学录像-Creativity (Period 6).mp4
86-媒体素材-CREATIVITY starts from a BELIEF.mp4
88-教学录像-Athletes (Period 1).mp4
89-教学录像-Athletes (Period 2).mp4
9-教学录像-Born to Win.mp4
90-教学录像-Athletes (Period 3).mp4
91-教学录像-Athletes (Period 4).mp4
92-教学录像-Athletes (Period 5).mp4
93-教学录像-Athletes (Period 6).mp4
94-媒体素材-B4U5-My Favorite Athlete.mp4
95-媒体素材-Charles Barkley I am not a role model Nike Air Commercial.mp4
96-教学录像-Risks (Period 1).mp4
97-教学录像-Risks (Period 2).mp4
98-教学录像-Risks (Period 3).mp4
99-教学录像-Risks (Period 4).mp4
媒体素材-B4U6 Viewing- Is it fun to take risks.mp4
媒体素材-B4U7 What do we care about.mp4
242-习题作业-Love (Exercises).pdf
243-习题作业-Communication Problems (Exercises).pdf
244-习题作业-Shopping (Exercises).pdf
245-习题作业-Personality (Exercises).pdf
246-习题作业-Myths and Legends (Exercises).pdf
247-习题作业-Social Problems (Exercises).pdf
248-习题作业-Career Planning (Exercises).pdf
249-习题作业-Language (Exercises).pdf
250-习题作业-Man and Animals (Exercises).pdf
251-习题作业-The Joy of Travel (Exercises).pdf
252-习题作业-Nature and Nurture (Exercises).pdf
253-习题作业-Music (Exercises).pdf
254-习题作业-Reflections on Life (Exercises).pdf
255-习题作业-Leisure Activities (Exercises).pdf
256-习题作业-Gender Differences (Exercises).pdf
257-习题作业-Creativity (Exercises).pdf
258-习题作业-Athletes (Exercises).pdf
259-习题作业-Risks (Exercises).pdf
260-习题作业-College Life (Exercises).pdf
261-习题作业-Time (Exercises).pdf
262-习题作业-Science and Technology (Exercises).pdf
263-习题作业-Satire in Literature (Exercises).pdf

03-16 16:09